vb shortcut key.gif


Alt + F11            This toggles switch displays the VBE from the application window and vice versa.
Ctrl + G            Displays the Immediate window.
Ctrl + F            Opens the Find dialog box.
F3            Finds Next.
Shift + F3            Finds Previous.
Ctrl + H            Opens the Replace dialog box.
Ctrl + Z            Cancels the last keyboard stroke or the last mouse operation (when possible).
F5            Runs the current procedure or continues execution after pausing.
Ctrl + Break            Halts a procedure.
Shift + F5            Terminates a procedure and resets all variables to their default values.
Shift + F10            Displays the active window's shortcut menu.
Ctrl + R            Opens the Project Explorer.
F4            Opens the Properties window.
F2           Opens the Object Browser.
F1            Opens VBA Help.
F7            Gives focus to the open module window.
SHIFT+ESC            Close a tool window.
CTRL+F4                  Close the current MDI child window.
CTRL+SHIFT+N    Create a new file.
CTRL+N    Create a new project.
CTRL+TAB    Cycle through the MDI child windows one window at a time
ALT+HYPHEN (-)    Display a system menu for an MDI child window.
ALT+SPACEBAR    Display a system menu for the application window.
CTRL+ALT+A    Display the Auto window and move the cursor into it.
CTRL+ALT+C    Display the Call Stack window and move the cursor into it.
CTRL+ALT+T    Display the Document Outline window and move the cursor into it.
CTRL+H    Display the Find window.
CTRL+ALT+L          Display the Locals window and move the cursor into it.
CTRL+ALT+B    Display the Object Browser and move the cursor into from anywhere but an editor.
CTRL+ALT+O    Display the Output window and move the cursor into it.
CTRL+ALT+J    Display the Project Explorer and move the cursor into it.
CTRL+ALT+P    Display the Properties window and move the cursor into it.
F4            Display the Properties window.
SHIFT+F4            Display the Property Pages window.
CTRL+ALT+K    Display the Task List window and move the cursor into it.
CTRL+ALT+H    Display the Thread window and move the cursor into it.
CTRL+ALT+X    Display the Toolbox and move the cursor into it.
CTRL+ALT+W    Display the Watch window and move the cursor into it.
F3            Find next occurrence of specified text.
ALT+F6            Go to the next tool window.
ALT+SHIFT+F6    Go to the previous tool window.
CTRL+SHIFT+F6     Move to the next MDI child window.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB   Move to the previous MDI child window.
CTRL+SHIFT+O      Open a file.
CTRL+O      Open a project.
CTRL+P      Print all or part of the document.
F5              Run an application using the debugger.
CTRL+SHIFT+S      Save all of the files, project, or documents.
CTRL+S      Save the current document or selected item or items.
CTRL+A      Select All.
CTRL+BREAK           Stop Break into a running an application.
CTRL+C      Copy the selection to the Clipboard.
CTRL+X      Cut the selection and move it to the Clipboard.
F1              Display documentation.
SHIFT+F10              Display the shortcut menu.
CTRL+V      Insert the Clipboard contents at the insertion point.
ALT+F6      Move between the last two active windows.
CTRL+V      Paste the Clipboard contents at the insertion point.

Project Explorer

F7 Shift + Enter     Opens the selected file's module.
Home     Selects the first file in the list.
End             Selects the last file in the list.
Right arrow     Expands a sublist.
Left arrow     Collapses a sublist.
Up arrow             Moves up the list one item at a time.
Down arrow     Moves down the list one item at a time.

code window

CTRL+C      Copy the selected text to the Clipboard.
CTRL+X      Cut the selected text to the Clipboard.
DELETE or DEL      Delete the selected text without placing it on the Clipboard.
CTRL+V              Paste the Clipboard contents at theinsertion point.
CTRL+Z      Undo the last editing action in the current line.
CTRL+Y              Cut the current line to the Clipboard.
CTRL+DELETE      Delete to the end of the word.
CTRL+B SPACE      Delete to the beginning of the word.
SHIFT+F4      Find Next
SHIFT+F3      Find Previous
SHIFT+TAB      Remove indent.
CTRL+N      Insert a blank line above the current line.
F7              View Code window
F2              View Object Browser
CTRL+F       Find
CTRL+H       Replace
SHIFT+F4       Find Next
SHIFT+F3       Find Previous
CTRL+DN ARROW    Next procedure
CTRL+UP ARROW     Previous procedure
SHIFT+F2       View definition
CTRL+PAGE DN        Shift one screen down
CTRL+PAGE UP         Shift one screen up
CTRL+SHIFT+F2         Go to last position
CTRL+HOME Beginning of module
CTRL+END         End of module
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move one word to right
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move one word to left
END                 Move to end of line
HOME                  Move to beginning of line
CTRL+Z                 Undo
CTRL+Y                 Delete current line
CTRL+DELETE         Delete to end of word
TAB                 Indent
SHIFT+TAB                 Outdent
CTRL+SHIFT+F9         Clear all breakpoints
SHIFT+F10                 View shortcut menu
F1                         Get context-sensitive Help on functions,statements, methods, properties, or events.
F2                         Display the Object Browser.
F9                         Set or remove a breakpoint.
CTRL+SHIFT+F9         Clear all breakpoints.
F5                         Run an application (or continue running, if inbreak mode).
F8                         Execute code one line at a time (single step).
SHIFT+F8                 Execute code one procedure at a time(procedure step).
CTRL+BREAK         Stop running a Visual Basic application.
HOME                 Move the cursor to the beginning of text in aline.
END                 Move the cursor to the end of text in a line.
SHIFT+F10                 View shortcut menu.
SHIFT+F5                 Restart an application from the beginning.
CTRL+J                 Turn on ListProperties/Methods.
CTRL+SHIFT+J         Turn on List Constants.
CTRL+I                 Turn on Quick Info.
CTRL+SHIFT+I         Turn on Parameter Info.
CTRL+SPACEBAR Turn on Complete Word.
CTRL+F2                 Move the insertion point into the Object box.
SHIFT+F2                 Go to the definition of the selectedprocedure.
CTRL+DN ARROW              Display the next procedure.
CTRL+UP ARROW Display the previous procedure.
PG DOWN         Page down through the procedures in yourcode.
PG UP                 Page up through the procedures in yourcode.
CTRL+SHIFT+F2         Go back to the last position in your code.
CTRL+HOME         Go to the beginning of the module.
CTRL+END                 Go to the end of the module.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Go one word to the right.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW         Go one word to the left.
END                 Go to the end of the line.
HOME                 Go to the beginning of the line.
CTRL+PG DOWN Go to the bottom of the current procedure.
CTRL+PG UP         Go to the top of the current procedure.
F6                         Switch between Code window panes (whenthe window is split).
CTRL+P         Print
CTRL+Z         Undo
CTRL+V         Paste
DEL                 Delete
CTRL+F         Find
SHIFT+F4                 Find Next
CTRL+H         Replace
TAB                 Indent
SHIFT+TAB                 Outdent
SHIFT+F2                 Definition
CTRL+SHIFT+F2         Last Position
F2                         Object Browser
CTRL+G         Immediate Window
CTRL+R         Project Explorer
F4                         Properties Window
F8                         Step Into
SHIFT+F8                 Step Over
CTRL+F8                 Run To Cursor
F9                         Toggle Breakpoint.
CTRL+SHIFT+F9         Clear All Breakpoints
F5                         Start
CTRL+BREAK         Break
SHIFT+F10                 Shortcut menu
CTRL+S         Save Form
CTRL+A         Save Form As
CTRL+F5                 Start with Full Compile
SHIFT+F4                 Property Pages
CTRL+D         Add File
CTRL+J                 List Properties/Methods
CTRL+SHIFT+J         List Constants
SHIFT+F9                 Quick Watch
CTRL+N         New Project
CTRL+O         Open Project
CTRL+I                 Quick Info
CTRL+SHIFT+I         Parameter Info


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